Friday, March 19, 2010

Feel like an astronaut

It has been two weeks since my hip replacement surgery and rehab is going great. I have been doing most of my rehab using the AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill at Elite Physical Therapy located at the JCC on Garden of Eden Rd. Jimmy Hashimoto (Hash) is my p.t. and he has introduced me to this latest rehab technology. This AlterG treadmill has allowed me to walk for 35 minutes pain free at 70% of my body weight. Want to feel like an astronaut? Drop it down to 20% of your weight and you feel like you are on a moon bounce. The AlterG Anti Gravity Treadmill gives you the opportunity to rehab from surgery or train through injury without pain. AlterG's unique unweighting technology reduces the impact of walking or running while the body goes through the normal healing process. I know for a fact that I am way ahead of my rehab from my left hip replacement. Who knows.....i may be walking in my 5k's sooner than i thought.